Career Building Tip: Help Others Be More Successful
Nov 15, 2010
Helping others to be more successful will lead to greater career success for you too. Helping others
- Grows the value of your entire team
- Adds value to your clients
- Builds your reputation as someone who can help others be successful.
Whether you believe that "Givers Gain" or in the principles of The Go-Giver or karma, helping others achieve greater success will lead to great results for you too. Let's look at how helping people in each of these three groups can help you be more successful.
Helping Your Team
A team is a group of people who are working together on a common cause with the goal of being successful at whatever they are doing. Whether you're playing a sport, are a team member on a project, or are working in the same department of a company, everyone on the team has the same goal: BE SUCCESSFUL! Anything you can do to help the team be more successful will help you be more successful too. What are you doing to help your team?
Helping Your Clients
When your clients succeed, you get more business from them, they refer business to you and your reputation grows. Clients want to hire people who will help them succeed. If you have a history of help other clients be successful a new client will believe you can help them too. An existing client will recognize your value and want to work with you again. What are you doing to help your clients be more successful?
Helping Strangers or Random Acts of Kindness
Whether you volunteer your services, answer questions on LinkedIn, or just simply lend a helping hand when you hear of someone in need helping people you don't know build your character and your reputation. By helping a stranger, you reinforce your helping nature, making it more a part of your character. You also are letting that person experience your skill, and therefore may receive a referral or even public praise for your assistance. Would you prefer to do business with someone you know helps others? How to you help others?
Regardless of your reason, helping others will help you. You will have the greatest impact when helping others is genuine and second nature to you.
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