Friday's Rocket Fuel: Build Your Personal Brand with A Facebook Page
Apr 08, 2011
Do you have a Facebook page yet? Not your personal profile, a page.
Use a Facebook page to manage your professional life and personal brand on Facebook. On your page you can post items of interest to the people you do business with whether they are customers or staff. And with more searches being conducted on Facebook than on Google, it's a great place to develop and maintain a professional presence.
In the business and job market world of the 21st Century, you want to be found. By having a presence on Facebook you make it all the easier for people who are looking for you to find you. By posting relevant materials on your page you show potential employers and clients that you are in tune with the latest developments in your field.
Be sure to claim a page with your name. If it is already taken, consider using a hyphen between names or reversing your first and last name. If you have a business create a page for your business too.
To get started just go to:
and click the create page button in the upper right.
Be sure to make you page have a look and feel that is consistent with your brand personality. Fill out the form on the left if you would like help developing your brand personality.
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