Friday's Rocket Fuel: LinkedIn & Personal Branding Your Profile
Mar 25, 2011
LinkedIn is a powerful networking, job search, business enhancing and career development tool. Having an effective LinkedIn profile is the first and most critical step in taking advantage of this resource. One of the most power aspects of LinkedIn is that it allows you to be found by people who are looking for someone like you - recruiters, hiring managers, conference organizers, and more. People and business are looking for YOU only they have yet to know it is literally you.
Make it easy to be found and impress. Use LinkedIn to showcase your talents and expertise. First and foremost make sure your profile is filled out completely, including job descriptions. Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise by at least having information available to someone who finds you. A job title and employer is not enough.
With personal branding, you can further enhance your profile descriptions by aligning them with your personal brand and using key words that someone might use to find you.
Make LinkedIn a cornerstone in your career development as well as business development.
Important tip: Your LinkedIn Professional Headline should be descriptive of what you want to be known for (your personal brand) and use key words. Avoid using job titles.
Take the time today to maximize the impact of your Professional Headline. Review your job descriptions over the weekend.
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