Giving Thanks: A Time to Express Gratitude For Your Career Success
Nov 17, 2010
Here in the U.S. we are approaching our Thanksgiving holiday. A traditional time of family, friends, celebration, and feeling grateful for all we have. Often overlooked at this time are our professional and business connections - customers, clients, business partners, mentors, friends and family. These are the people who help us build our business and career success in one way or another. The cornucopia is a symbol of bounty and prosperity. What fills your cornucopia and who helps you fill it? The bounty we experience (housing, food, entertainment, vacations/holidays) is the result of our interactions with everyone who helps us be successful
Now is the perfect time to stand out from the crowd and express your gratitude by sending a Thank You note to your contacts. Tell your contact why you are grateful that he or she is in your life. Connect on a personal level. Whether you send an e-card or traditional paper card, showing your gratitude at Thanksgiving will have a unique impact. Why wait for the Winter Holiday Season to offer "Seasons Greetings" when you can be thankful now.
Here are two simple examples you can use or adapt if you like:
Dear Tony,
As Thanksgiving approaches our team is reminded how grateful we are for the opportunity to work with you and your team through the year. We appreciate the trust and faith you have put in us to help you accomplish your goals and work to help you and your customers.
Business Partner:
Dear Tony,
As Thanksgiving approaches I am reminded how grateful I am for our business partnership. I appreciate the referrals you send me as well as your with developing my marketing efforts to help me grow my business.
Thank you for reading and following the Success Rockets Blog! We are grateful for the opportunities to work with you and your friends to achieve greater career success.
Let us know what your experience is after sending out a Thanksgiving Thank You!
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