The Success Rockets Blog

Information to Build The Career and Life You Want and Deserve

The Fourth Industrial Revolution And You: What To Expect fourth industrial revolution futurism personal development Sep 24, 2018

There is a lot of buzz about the Fourth Industrial Revolution around the world. Since we’ve had had three industrial revolutions already economists and business leaders understand that we’re already seeing the signs that we’ve entered another. While artificial intelligence, genomics and virtual real...

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Five Ways Defining Your Personal Values Will Make You Successful personal development personal values Jul 30, 2018

In everyday life we tend to use the term values rather loosely. Generally, we mean something that is of importance in some way. Often there is a moral or social norm that raises some values over the other in importance. But if we’re honest, there is a good chance we don’t really living our lives in ...

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Friday's Rocket Fuel: Personal Branding Exercise - Unique You friday rocket fuel personal branding personal development Jul 15, 2011

This weekend keep a paper and pen with you.  Write down everything you do or say that illustrates your unique way of doing things or saying things. At the end of the weekend look through all of the information you have collected. What are some of the themes?

Once you have this information, if you a...

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Celebrating the 4th of July: Are You Maximizing Your Opportunities? career development personal development Jul 04, 2011

Happy 4th of July! 

The 4th of July is a time when Americans celebrate the birth of our country over 200 years ago. And regardless of ones politics, most Americans as well as pretty much all of the people I talk with from around the world appreciate the opportunities of success and self-determinati...

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Friday's Rocket Fuel: List of of Each of Your GAILs friday rocket fuel personal development May 27, 2011

Spend sometime this weekend and identify one of each of your GAILs and write it down.

The act of writing your GAILs helps make them more real. It takes them from having a hold on your mind to putting them partly out side of you on the pa...

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Friday's Rocket Fuel: What Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back? friday rocket fuel personal development May 13, 2011

Have you ever had a belief like:

  • I'm too old to go back to school
  • I'm too shy
  • She/He would never go out with someone like me
  • You need to have a PhD to do that job
  • I'm not good at ...

These are all examples of Limiting Beliefs. What is a Limiting Belief?

Limiting Beliefs are ideas or princ...

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A Mother's Day Lesson on Career Development and Career Success career development gratitude personal branding personal development personal values May 09, 2011

As I’m writing today’s article on career development I’m reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned from my mother. Just yesterday was Mother’s Day.  Personally, it’s a significant one for me, the first since my mother lost her 11-year battle breast cancer.  Her longevity was quite remarkable considerin...

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Friday's Rocket Fuel: Adaptability Is The Key to Career Success career development friday rocket fuel personal development Mar 18, 2011

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin

These words spoken by Charles Darwin are especially applicable in the work world today. Change is happening more rapidly than ever. Job that have been around ...

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Listening: The Critical Skill for Managers and Leaders leadership development personal development Feb 28, 2011

How good of a listener are you? Corporate wide feedback often reveals that managers and leaders believe they are much better listeners than they are. Even if you are an effective listener, you can probably improve, especially in certain situations. Why the disconnect?  Most of us never take any form...

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Friday's Rocket Fuel: Replace Your Limiting Beliefs, Increase Success career development friday rocket fuel leadership development personal development Feb 25, 2011

All of us hold ourselves back, often unknowingly, by what we believe to be true but is not necessarily so. Limiting beliefs are "truths" we accept about life, ourself, others or the world around us that hold us back, or limit us, in some way.

Examples of limiting beliefs for some people include: I ...

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President's Day: Lessons In Leadership and Personal Branding career strategy leadership development personal branding personal development personal values purpose vision statement Feb 21, 2011

In the U.S. today is President's Day, a day to remember and celebrate the President's of the United States, past and present. In honor of this holiday I want to look at what lessons we can learn and apply to our lives and careers.

With the possible exception of George Washington, America's most lov...

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Why Personal Branding Matters career development personal branding personal development Feb 14, 2011

Why should I bother with personal branding? For decades people have gotten along just fine with going to college, writing resumes, and going to interviews just fine without personal branding? Or have they?

The question you need to ask yourself is: Do I want an exceptional career or one that is "jus...

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