The Success Rockets Blog

Information to Build The Career and Life You Want and Deserve

Success through Giving: The Go-Giver personal development sales Jul 20, 2009

How do you bring more success into your life by giving more? To answer this question we can look to the work of Bob Burg and John David Mann who developed the concept of The Go-Giver. So what is a “Go-Giver”? Let’s start with a similar term we all know, the “Go Getter”. The Go Getter is a person of ...

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Success with Word Power: Remember The Ice leadership development personal development soft skills Jul 13, 2009

Would you like to bring more success into your life? What if you could do it simply by changing your word choice? Does that sound too good to be true? Let explore this idea more.

One often overlooked subject in the discussions of success personal development and professional development is the powe...

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Discovering and Living on Purpose personal development purpose Jul 08, 2009

Do you want to be successful? The single most important thing you can do to successful, however you define it, is to know and live your purpose. Listen to what any of the great success writers and speakers have to say. Listen carefully, because some use different words or only hint at it. Whether yo...

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6 Keys to Success According to Billionaire Bill Bartmann personal development success Jun 09, 2009

Bill Bartmann, the Billionaire Business Coach, is the only self-made billionaire devoting his life to teaching others how to be successful. Bill’s life has had many ups and downs from building fortunes, to losing them and building them again (Read more about Bill on his website, BillionaireU

What c...

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Your Infinite Potential, Pt. 2 personal development success May 23, 2009

Why Be the Star of Your Life?

Last time we discussed how we give up our role as the star of our life. Often times we deliberately do so with the belief that what we are doing is the “right” thing to do. We are giving up something of ourselves to help another in greater need, or is it greater perceive

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Improving Customer Service & Loyalty: Lessons from Shep Hyken leadership development personal development sales May 18, 2009

On Saturday, May 16 2009, iLearningGlobal Faculty member and Hall of Fame Presenter Shep Hyken gave members of iLearningGlobal a 35 minute presentation on Customer Service and Loyalty. 

In his presentation, Mr. Hyken suggested that the goal of any company should be to provide consistent, amazing cu...

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Your Infinite Potential, Part 1 personal development success May 13, 2009

Are You an Extra or the Star? 

Today’s discussion is inspired by Bob Proctor’s video “Your Infinite Potential” available for free on the personal development site, iLearningGlobal. Bob Proctor’s opening is provocative and deserves some serious consideration. Here is an excerpt:

 …many people go thro...

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Are short term victories creating long term losses for you? leadership development personal development success May 06, 2009

Tony Alessendra, originator of the Platinum Rule, discusses one of his early experiences in sales in “Sometimes, short-term victories can be long-term losses“.

In his story, Tony shares how successful he was at set some pots and other items to a woman.  He felt he had done a good job of closing the...

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