How do you compete with a robot? How do you compete with Artificial Intelligence? Machines are faster than you. They can access and analyze more information than you. They don’t rest, lose focus or take a break. In principle you could expand a machine’s capability has much as you...
The Success Rockets Blog
Information to Build The Career and Life You Want and Deserve
You probably think you already know how to listen. I thought that. Most people I’ve met have thought that same. Afterall, what’s more basic than listening? You’ve been listening since before you could talk, right? You’ve heard all about active listening and you’ve...
There is rightfully at lot of excitement about the amazing things AI, robots and other forms of automation can do. Whether it’s the simple novelty of artificial intelligence studying the works of Bach and composing a new Bach-like symphony or something more serious like AI ...
We get very comfortable with our job as well as the company we work for. It only natural that we get comfortable over time. We also get increasingly confident in our abelites and ability to get through tough times. That can be an asset up to a point, the point to where we ignore or...
Losing your job is a jolt. Whether you are being laid off or you can no longer perform you duties, after the shock wears off you’re left wondering what do you do now? When you are early in your career, making a move back into a similar role at another company is frequently possible after a...
I was recently talking with a group of professionals about career growth and a common theme emerged from what many in the group were doing to advance their career - getting better and better at doing the same thing. Some were taking classes, seeking advanced degrees, certifications, or even just...