The Success Rockets Blog

Information to Build The Career and Life You Want and Deserve

Success Is A Journey, Not A Destination: How To Advance Your Career career development career strategy goal achievement life success Jun 22, 2011

"Success isn't really a destination, because you'll never get there. Talk to anyone with millions or billions, they're always thinking of the next thing. Success is a direction, and that direction is forward." - Tim Sanders, former Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo!

I love this quote...

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Career Development:Are You Chasing The Wrong Goal? Pocket Knife Story career development goal achievement personal branding success Jun 15, 2011

This is a true story. I was recently attending a conference and between sessions I noticed a woman frantically moving down her row asking everyone a question and moving on. She had a sense of urgency as she went from person to person, each shaking their head no at her. And...

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Friday's Rocket Fuel: Vision Your Success friday rocket fuel leadership development success vision statement May 20, 2011

If you want to be successful, one of the most power things you can do is invest some time in creating a clear vision or picture in your mind, and even literally make a picture, of what your successful life looks like. The more clear your vision is, the more you will consciously and...

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Career Growth and Job Satisfaction Requires You to Stretch career career strategy employee engagement success May 02, 2011

I was recently talking with a group of professionals about career growth and a common theme emerged from what many in the group were doing to advance their career - getting better and better at doing the same thing. Some were taking classes, seeking advanced degrees, certifications, or even just...

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Sources of Career Friction: What Factors Prevent Career Advancement career development goal achievement success Feb 07, 2011

Last week in Friday's Career Rocket Fuel: Career Friction I introduced the concept of career friction. In short, career friction is all of the factors that are preventing you from having the career you want as quickly as you can. What are these factors that are holding you back?


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How Committed Are You To Your Job Search and Advancing Your Career? goal achievement inspiration purpose success Jan 05, 2011

Today's posting is inspired by a video I saw on an article by Eric Spiegelman, The 10 Most Wonderful Internet Movies of 2010. The video is entitled, I Still Have A Soul. Take 2 minutes to watch the video now and think about your career development and/or job search while...

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The First Step In Building Your Career: Where Is Your Career Now? career strategy goal achievement success tips Dec 13, 2010

As we approach the New Year many of us set resolutions or goals for the coming year. Most of us fail to reach those goals and, in fact, forget about them or give up within a few weeks.  While there can be a variety of reasons for that one of the problems is that before you set your...

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Career Building Tip: Help Others Be More Successful career development personal development success Nov 15, 2010

Helping others to be more successful will lead to greater career success for you too. Helping others 

  1. Grows the value of your entire team
  2. Adds value to your clients
  3. Builds your reputation as someone who can help others be successful.

Whether you believe that "Givers Gain" or...

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Where Is Your Career Going? 5 Steps To Develop A Career Strategy career strategy goal achievement personal branding success Nov 08, 2010

Where is your career heading? Do you know?

Most people spend more time and effort planning their vacation than they do planning their career. In order for you to realize your career dreams you must first know where you are going and then develop a strategy and plan for getting...

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Success Starts with Knowing Your Personal Values personal values success Jan 25, 2010

If you are looking for more success in your life the place to start is to know and understand your personal values. Whether you are looking for greater success in your career, relationship or social life, the first step is understanding your personal values. Knowing and understanding your...

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Paralyzing Words Block Personal Success leadership development personal development soft skills success Jan 18, 2010

I was recently talking with Bob Nicoll, author of Remember the Ice, about the influences of (k)notty words on our lives and how they prevent persons success. For those who are unfamiliar with (k)notty words, a (k)notty words are disempowering words like: can't, don't, won't,...

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How to Succeed with Your Goals or Resolutions in 2010 goal achievement personal values success Jan 02, 2010

How many times have you set goals or made a New Year's Resolution and succeeded?  Has long has your success lasted? 

If you are like most people you've probably had mixed success. Sometimes you are able to set a goal and achieve it and you have a permanent change. Sometimes you achieve...

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